16 May 2022
“Fulfilling the commitment to expanding and diversifying pathways for safe, orderly and regular migration is critical for preventing and addressing vulnerabilities throughout the migration journey.”
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General
This study of the policy and practice of 17 countries in the Asia Pacific region seeks to understand how human rights obligations may be embedded in mechanisms for entry and stay, and thereby assist States to know and understand the policy options that are available to them to govern migration and promote and protect the human rights of all migrants under their jurisdiction. It also aims to provide States and other stakeholders with information and analysis of practices that currently exist in the region or have potential to offer regular pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations, including practices that have been put in place between 2020-21 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This information may assist States to identify best practices for improving migration governance and eventually for enhancing implementation of the Global Compact for Migration.