The Regional Meeting for Asia and the Pacific region on the International Decade for People of African Descent, organized by OHCHR in Geneva, Switzerland on 15-16 January 2024, has contributed to enhancing recognition of the historical presence and multifaceted contributions of people of African descent to the diversity and development of the Asia and Pacific region. It also shed light on the manifestations of racism and racial discrimination they face, and which result in barriers in the enjoyment of all their human rights. The lack of research and data was also identified as a major challenge in advancing the human rights situation of people of African descent in the region.
As 2024 marks the final year of the International Decade for People of African Descent (“International Decade”), a final assessment of progress made in implementing the programme of activities of the International Decade will be undertaken, with a view to providing guidance and identifying concrete recommendations for a future course of action to ensure the continued protection and promotion of the human rights of people of African descent after the conclusion of the International Decade.
In order to inform OHCHR’s preparations and intervention at the high-level event to mark the closure of the Decade with the lived experiences and expertise of people of African descent, OHCHR, in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network for People of African Descent, organized four online consultations with representatives of people of African descent for four subregions of Asia and the Pacific.
- South-East Asia: Saturday, 27 July 2024
- North-East Asia: Saturday, 27 July 2024
- Pacific: Saturday 3 August 2024
- South Asia: Saturday 3 August 2024
The online consultations achieved to:
- Enhance understanding of human rights concerns of people of African descent in the region through listening to their lived experiences;
- Collect information on the implementation of the PoA of the International Decade and consult on possible areas for future action should a Second Decade be proclaimed and with regard to implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action; and
Identify collaborative opportunities within the region to amplify the visibility, advocacy and contributions of people of African descent in the region.
The outcomes of the consultations shed light on the human rights situation of people of African descent in the region, manifestations of racism and racial discrimination they face and their needs. The Outcome Report is now available.